Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kunjungan Tidak Biasa

Biasanya kantor sepi, apalagi kalau pas lagi banyak yang dinas luar, mobil-mobil pada beroperasi ke luar kota. Kantor menjadi tenang bebas mau masuk ruang mana aja, serasa milik sendiri. Kunjungan dari manapun jarang banget ada, maklum divisi tempat diriku bekerja bukan untuk didatengin banyak orang alias customer. Ngga ada layanan pasang baru telepon, ga ada tempat buat bayar telepon, flexi, atau speedy, ga ada tempat pengaduan pelanggan. Bahkan yang ada tanda larangan masuk untuk yang tidak berkepentingan. Divisi tempat aku bekerja isinya cuma perangkat dan perangkat lagi, manusianya pun pualing banyak hanya bergender "male", cuma diriku dan alin yang berlabel "female".

Kalaupun ada kunjungan, biasanya adalah team audit yang senang sekali menjadikan balikpapan sebagai sample untuk di audit, para vendor yang instalasi atau maintenance perangkat, itupun sangat jarang sekali, atau pihak dari operator telekomunikasi lain yang akan menjalin kerja sama. Yang isinya sudah pasti bergender "male" lagi!!!.

Tapi hari ini rame banget, banyak para cewek yang berkunjung, tapi mereka anak2 semua alias kunjungan dari anak-anak TK Islam Istiqomah Balikpapan, hehehehe... lucu-lucu banget. Yang sempat terlihat oleh diriku, adalah managerku yang gelagapan!!, gimana yah, anak-anak kecil masuk ruangan yang isinya perangkat semua. Tentunya takut donk, kalau-kalau ada tangan-tangan kecil yang tiba-tiba aja maen cabut sana-sini. Bisa-bisa bakalan perpu se-Kalimantan. Tapi untunglah, anak-anak kecil itu pada pinter-pinter semua. Tentunya mereka jadi penghibur semua orang kantor, karena ini memang kunjungan yang tidak seperti biasa.

"Terima Kasih Om Agus..." kata-kata itu keluar serempak dari mulut mereka bwt sang manager Arnet Balikpapan setelah mereka keluar dari ruangan-ruangan yang ada di kantor ku. Terlihat sedikit lega di mata Pak Agus, tapi sangat senang terlihat sekali di mata semua orang kantor, kalau anak2 itu sangatlah menghibur. Termasuk diriku, dan aku dipanggil "tante....." wahhh.... , Sampai ada satu anak kecil bermata sipit dan berkulit putih, ehh.. dia dibilangin kalo itu anaknya aku, hehehehhe.... masa sih ntar anakku seperti itu, putih dan bermata sipit seperti diriku.

Setelah kepulangan mereka semua, aku berharap semoga yang kunjungan nantinya adalah para cowo-cowo cakep yang masih jomblo, twiingg#####!!!

Enjoyed the trip in Europe

Must not be waiting holiday moments to be able to go on a trip to the other country. There is certain moments with the certain aims also that could be made use of by us for the holidaying reason to the other country. For example for the romantic holiday with our new couple.

For example Dublin, one of the cities that was located in Ireland. Many matters that could be made the reason by us why confused visited to Dublin. For you that had hobby wrote and really wanted to know about famous writers, there was gotten abreast the name of the writer who was secular from the Irish country, like Samuel Beckett and Seamus Heany, two winners Nobel. And the name of Bram Stoker a writer of the horror novel. In Dublin, there is him the place that could be visited by us, one of them was the Garden of Stephen Apostr s Green, because of having the statue of Oscar Wilde. But that must be remembered before going on a trip, Dublin Accomodation was some that must be paid close attention to by us.

Want to enjoy the running of the progress of the time? Went on holiday to London. London Accomodation also will not become the obstacle for you that really want to to this city. London town planning that his appearance was so old, evidently very modern in all of his beats. In London, much less the cafe from the seventeenth age, in an underground room in the middle of London was gotten the bar that was believed has been since the fifteenth age.

If we to United Kingdom, should not pass Edinburgh Scotland. Edinburgh Accomodation will make you feel relaxed during the holiday there. Edinburgh was not free from his history, started from Edinburgh Castle that the first time was built above volcano. At this time this palace was one of the historic buildings that always was filled up by tourists each year, not only because of his building that was beautiful but his location in the peak of the mountain that gave very astonishing scenery. Crossed the garden in foot the firm coral hill and above resided the Edinburgh castle that was elegant that was the special sensation in the morning. Parents, young, and children sat-sat in the dressed-up garden bench of thousands of flower crops coloured. Was in Edinburgh, as entering the rotation of greatness time of the time aristocrat first. Paris, was the further tour destination.

For them who lived in Europe, went on a trip to Paris was inexpensive. Because, could be reached easily and the cheap price. I lived in Germany, got the ticket flew to Paris with the moderate price. But for you who lived in Asia like Indonesia, Paris Accomodation will arrange your accommodation well. Many obligatory buildings were visited by you in Paris, one of them was the Eiffel Tower, Jardin and Palais du Luxembourg (the Garden and the Luxembourg Palace). The middle garden the Paris city that was famous. Like him, in this garden was gotten the pond that located in the middle with seats in its surrounds that faced the pond. Not only that, Gotten also the palace that now in used as the senate's office. Nearby was gotten the museum du Luxembourg. For the women, to Paris was incomplete if not yet visiting the shopping centre.

Barcelona, heard his name has been drawn by his beauty. And was proven when foot really stand on in the Spanish crack. Barcelona was known as a city that was filled the old building have nuances Roman old or gothic. Moreover several buildings were just made have nuances Roman also. In the aim city of the tourists had the tour term "walking at Barcelona", because to be able to see beauty of long buildings, must walk because of entering the small roads. So you needed Barcelona Accomodation that was very strategic for can explored details barcelona.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Credit, there was no problem!!!

The problem of banking like credit now often has an interest taken in him by the community that had the big requirement but the fund was still limited. With in a manner our credit could settle all the problems. By the fund that was lent, we could get something that was big by payment measured.

Many credit methods that could be obtained by us, for example Home Loans, Auto Loans, Personal Loans, and for the problem of your housing mortgage, moreover for you who lived in the Real Estate region. That more often was used by the community was a credit card, by having the credit card, features credit cards we could make use of for example to shop, or to want to buy something with the expensive price and we could pay by instalments him in a period of one year used your credit card.

Was not difficult for you to get all that, only by passing various form the application that was given to us and all of them could be realised by you for the problem of finance in the big number. Especially for the problem borrowed, usually you who wanted to build the necessary house the very big fund, and disabled to pay him in cash, through Home Loans you could build the house that was dreamt of by you.

Not only the house, you could create anything your wish personally loans. With only passed one form your application could create anything your wish was unlimited by the fund.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Sabar untuk semua

Hari ini blogwalking ke temen-temen blog, pas singgah di blog na rina, jadi ngiri bacanya.., ga tau mo bikin posting apaan, intinya pengen ngucapin "sabar aja deh buat semua"

buat Lia sendiri,
Sabar aja... mungkin belum saatnyaAllah mengirimkan seseorang buat lia, harus mesti kudu banyak belajar arti sabar dan ikhlas, tetep berdoa dan yakin pasti dibalik semua peristiwa ada hikmahnya, sabar itu buahnya manis. Semangat...........!!!

buat Wulan,
Mesti sabar juga, tapi mesti cepet2 nentuin hari, tanggal, dan bulan.. eitss gedung nya juga deh!!, hehehe... maap kalo jadi ngebongkar "berita bahagianya" itu artinya aku turut bahagia,
Dan tetep sabar deh nunggu blog nya di approve ma blogsvertise., meskipun dah berkali-kali di reject, chayooooo.....

buat ka mike,
Yang sabar yah, mesti banyak istirahat kalo lagi sakit.. apalagi suaranya ga usah dipaksain bwt ikut2an nyanyi nunggu pilek ma batuknya udah ilang deh!!!, semangat ngerjain skripsinya yah...

buat Mas agung,
Nih anak lagi ada kerjaan di bengkulu, katanya susah banget bwt nyesuain makanannya, mesti tetep sabar dan di syukurin yah... Harus terbiasa donk mas.. kan mang kerjaannya suka keluar kota. Semangat kerjanya biar bisa cepat pulang ke jakarta lagi.

buat Bangdhika,
Maap ya bang.. lia belum bisa dapetin satu task di blogsvertise hari ini, tapi besok2 lia coba lagi deh..., mesti tetep sabar juga yah bang, semangat terus bwt dapetin task nya!!!

buat bang agaz,
yang katanya, akhir2 ini sakitnya kambuh,,, jangan terlalu begadang mikirin review bang. Kan dah banyak dapetin dollar nya. cepat sembuh ya bang....

buat Irma,
newbie di dunia blog "rumah kodok", penyuka warna ijo ini mang baru banget di blog.., postingnya juga baru satu, ayo donk.. tambahin lagi..., sabar selalu yah meskipun cowonya jauh di bandung sana.

buat siapa lagi yah..., pokonya bwt temen2 blog na lia, kalo punya masalah kita mesti sabar dan semangat..


Monday, February 25, 2008

Rencana renovasi kamar

Sudah lebih dari 1 tahun, diriku ga pernah lagi gonta-ganti swasana kamar, yang dulunya suka muter kasur sana-sini, pindahin lemari yang berat minta ampun, sepertinya udah pernah ngerasain di semua sudut kamar deh, akhirnya kemaren memutuskan beli cat bwt ganti warna kamar.

Sebelum di cat, jadinya mesti ngebongkarin isi kamar dulu sekalian aj packing baju2 yang udah ga dipake bwt di lempar ke banjarmasin. Ehh.... taunya pas lagi susun sana-sini, ada miniatur kecil tugu katulistiwa pontianak dari sang "" jatuh.. hiks.. pecah pula kacanya, langsung deh sms dia, tp yang ada dimarahin kenapa mesti sampe jatuh. Nasibbbb........!!!

Sudah diputusin, warna yang bakalan nempel di kamarku adalah ungu dan pink. Jadi 3 sisi di cat pake warna ungu, dan satu sisi lagi dicat warna pink, iihhh... manis banget, sok romantis!!!! cewe kek lia, berani pake warna gituan..hihihihii, tapi mang dari dulu pengen banget punya kamar ada warna ungu soft gitu, yah berhubung pas dulu ngontrak rumah barengan vina yang suka warna ijo, ya sud.. semua kamar di tempelin deh ma cat warna ijo.

Ngomongin soal warna kamar, kek mas agung yang baru aja ganti layout blognya trus mengartikan kenapa mesti milih warna ini dan warna itu. Baiklah... lia juga mo sedikit mengartikan meskipun sepertinya terdengar maksa.

sebenarnya lebih soft lagi sih..., agak mengarah ke putih gitu. Kata orang warna ungu itu warna janda, kalo bwt lia bisa dibilang warna "jomblo" yang lagi sedih.., Mang iya sihh.. tapi lia pakenya warna ungu yang sangat-sangat soft hampir putih deh, artinya rasa sedihnya udah semakin berkurang hampir hilang msekipun lia masih jomblo (hahahahaha... maksa banget!!)

berkesan tentang seseorang yang selalu bisa ceria, meskipun itu hanya di sebagian kecil dari sisi hatinya, karna sebagian besar sisinya diwarnain dengan ungu. Well.. tapi pink nya tebel koq, berharap meskipun hanya satu sisi kecil, bisa mengalahin sisi-sisi yang lain, hihihihiihihi... tambak maksa!!!

Pengennya semua berwarna putih.., apalagi kamaren baru dari gramedia liat frame bagus2 banget, ngga kuku pengen beli. Saking pengennya beli, jadi bingung beli yang mana yah.. akhirnya ga jadi beli deh.

Gitu dehhh...., jadi mungkin kalo swasana hati berubah lagi, bisa aj warna kamarnya bakalan berubah lagi, nunggu request.

The importance had the health insurance

“I was just very healthy and had not been sick until now. Why must I take the health insurance?”

Many people thought thus and possibly we including one of them. However, once crossed on our marrow, what will happen if the disaster and the illness came suddenly and we were forced to be treated in the hospital? We must possibly pay the medicating cost that was expensive until savings were drained completely, and this of course not the situation that was expected by us to happen. On the other hand, not really will help if we had the health insurance that could help us in paying the medical treatment cost?. Increasingly is felt for us now that the health cost increasingly the day was increasingly expensive.

Paid the doctor, bought medicine, treated in was several examples of the cost that must be paid when we or the family's member were attacked by the illness.

What the Health Insurance? The health insurance was the insurance kind that helped the availability of the fund if participants in the health insurance were attacked by the disturbance of the health or the illness. All the requirements from going to the doctor, spent the night (the maintenance) in the hospital, the medicine cost in the hospital to the operation, all that could be borne by the insurance company. Generally the maintenance kind or the program that was available was the benefit treated the road (outpatient), the benefit treated in (inpatient), the benefit of the change and the benefit of the maintenance of teeth.

Was lucky that worked in a company or the agency that had the health insurance program, so as minimal, some risks because of being disturbed by the health could be helped with the existence of this health insurance program. How when the company did not yet give these facilities? Or we a businessman? Better should not hesitate and begin to plan to buy the health insurance. By buying the health insurance, then the issuing size will for the health cost be relatively stable because the cost size or the annual premium could be counted definitely so as to facilitate us in arranging the issuing and reducing fees was not expected.

Bertemu si-eks

Bertemu dengan seseorang yang dulunya pernah disayangi kadang menyenangkan, menyedihkan, malah kadang membuat diri merasa takut. Apalgi pas putusnya dengan si doi ga baik-baik alias pake marahan trus langsung aja deh menghilang.

Seperti pertemuan kemaren pas malam minggu di Balikpapan Plaza, sebenarnya bukan bertemu sih... tapi ngeliat si-eks di sana yang udah putus sekitar 3,5 tahun yang lalu. Untungnya si doi ga ngeliat, ga tau deh apa yang bakalan terjadi kalo aj sama2 ngeliat. Bakalan cuek kah ? bakalan bertegur sapa kah ? atau saling liat-liatan tapi ga da satu kata yang keluar dari mulut ?? Sebenarnya penasaran sih, pengen tau reaksi si doa, tapi sumpah.. udah kelanjur kaget + takut kalo si doi ngeliat, jadinya langsung deh balik kanan ngeliatan si wulan yang lagi bayar belanjaannya di kasir.

Menurut penglihatannya si wulan, doi lagi jalan di temenin ma seorang cewe ( diperkirakan lebih tua daripada si doi) dengan seorang anak yang umurnya kira-kira 3 tahun bersama juga seorang cowo yang wulan ga tau siapa dia, yang pasti temennya doi, tapi ga tau deh si cewe ma anak itu istrinya doi ato istrinya si temen doi. Jadi tambah penasaran sebenarnya.... (emang langsung deh sifat suka penasaran ma sesuatu keliatan).

Sejak ngeliat si doi malam minggu kemaren, sampe sekarang diriku jadi kepikiran berhubungan dengan telpon dan sms2 teror sekitar 1,5 bulan yang lalu. Si penteror itu ngakunya dia adalah seseorang yang udah pernah ngerencanain nikah ma diriku. Nah lho... sapa lagi kalo bukan si doi alias si-eks. Apalagi si penteror bilang dia dah merit sama seorang janda kaya yang sudah punya anak, nah lho... si wul ngeliatnya si doi ma seorang cewe yang lebih tua ma seorang anak, meskipun disebelahnya masih ada cowo temen si doi sih... .Tapi kan bikin tambah penasaran, apa iya, yang teror diriku itu adalah si doi ???? buat apa ??? Apa karna masih sakit hati ??? Tapi kayanya si doi bukan orang yang kek gitu deh, si doi sebenarnya anaknya baik banget.

Terus, minggu sore cerita deh sama mama di telpon, kalo aku barusan ngeliat si doi. Yah.. si mama yang sampe sekarang masih lebih mendukung aku sama si doi langsung deh menawarkan gimana kalo lia balikan lagi mas di doi daripada harus cari gebetan yang baru.... Malahan mama sampe ngebelain pengen telpon si doi, katanya sih cuma sekedar basa-basi, soalnya dulu si doi lumayan deket sama mama.

wewwwwww.... kayanya belum kepikiran deh ma..., lagian sepertinya si doi dah punya istri. Tapi setelah ngeliat si-eks, sedikit banyaknya diriku jadi ingat si-eks di masa lalu. Kata mama "kenapa sih lia harus nginget2 yang negatif nya dari si doi, coba deh... diingat kebaikan2 yang pernah si doi kasih ma lia kali aj lia naksir lagi ma si doi"


Friday, February 22, 2008

Enjoyed empty time with poker

When we was bored with the work of the office, we wanted to leave for a moment the office to only relax eliminated all the thoughts about the work. But sometimes whether the power, when we only a staff that always must sit in front computer although sometimes our work was completed by us. Bored with must wait for time to come home. Want to playing something but confused what enjoy in being done.

Don't worry, there were many matters that could be done by us with computer available in front of us, moreover computer we always connect with the internet. Poker, was one of the games that could make us relaxed for a moment forgot our work that was difficult. We could play online poker through computer that already connected with internet. Play poker and enjoyed the happiness in an online manner poker was enough in our table personally.

Poker not the matter that was difficult to be played by us, moreover in online poker only was not available one game poker, we could try to play with several game kinds poker. We could ask for help, if we were still confused with various game sorts poker. Not need to confused if we were bored in front of the table computer, play poker and enjoyed your spare time.

the house with modern concept

The house has become one of the main requirements for humankind at the moment, that could have a function of as the protected place, resting, the activity, and the other activity. The good house was the house that could give the comfortable feeling, safe, but also could be the spirit's expression of the occupants. The house better be designed continuously between humankind, architecture, and surrounding nature. So we needed a concept that was exact in drafting the house. The concept of the design of the house or the dwelling that was good was the concept that always paid attention to the condition and the situation where this house will be built.

We could combine the tropical concept with the concept of the modern design that now often is liked by the community, if we united him well, then could make our dwelling one naturally, was seen modern but continued to have the natural aspect and in accordance with the development of the time. To make him our house was in a modern style, definitely must be supported in a modern furniture also.

The modern concept tropical this also could be applied by us in the interior election of the house. The design furniture modern that clean, simple and without the ornament was the typical characteristics of the modern concept. The election furniture better if being adapted by us to the measurement of the area of space that was available and the requirement for occupants of the house, that the utilisation of the interior is also optimal.

Modern furniture that in accordance with the house had the character that in accordance with the modern character of the house building. Usually in accordance with these characteristics furniture that was used by us also simple, functional and not too many ornaments or did not have the decoration completely. This because when we used furniture that have the ornament, then the modern impression could from the design of a room be chaotic. At the moment, was easy very much we got modern furniture with various kinds and indeed most market shares now liked modern furniture.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Cowok ala Jupe

Dari kemaren-kemaren pengen cerita tentang Si cowok ala Jupe ini,

Sekitar 2 bulan yang lalu, diriku kenal sama si cowok yang menurut aku sihh anaknya sedikit diatas rata-rata kegantengan lah... , tapi ne cowok rada2 nyebelin kalo diajakin ngomong lama, ujung2nya pasti jadi berantem, ya dia nya sih anggap biasa aja kaleee, tapi aku nya..hikss.. dibikin keki abis, bahkan bisa ampe nangis kalo dah abis ngomong ma dia. Pokonya ntu cowok nyebelin abis bissss seabis-abisnya deh!!!

Eiitsss, lama2 diriku bertahan juga cerita-cerita ditambah berantem-beranteman ngomong sama dia, bahkan jadi kangen kalo satu hari ga berantem ma dia, ya bisa dibilang akhirnya aku menyukai dia lah...., ato mungkin suka ma dia karena dia ganteng, hahahahha.... ga tau dehh!!!,
yang pasti aku bisa membenci dia kalo ga ketemu, tapi kalo dah ketemu... weeewwww hilang deh kebencian!!!

Tapi... syukurlah sekarang aku dah bisa biasa-biasa aj ma dia alias rasa suka yang berlebihan ke dia dah hilang booo...., aneh juga siihhh.. sebenarnya ntu cowok asli nyebelin banget, tapi kenapa kemaren2 diriku bisa suka yah..???

Mau tau kenapa sekarang aku dah bisa ngilangin rasa suka ma dia???

Beberapa minggu yang lalu, pas udah ngobrol lama, diriku seh tau.. dia pernah ditaksir ma cewek yang katanya mirip banget ma jupe, tapi diriku baru nyadar kalo dia ternyata seneng banget ma jupe, weewwww.... setelah diriku tau itu, ilfil dehhhh... asli hilang semua perasaan suka ke dia. Blassss....., luruhhh semua, kek noda coklat di baju trus dikasih pemutih... hahahahaha....

Tapi, kenapa diriku harus ilfil kalo dia pengagum jupe yah..., salah ya??? setelah aku tanya ma wulan ternyata pikiran kita berdua sama, dan dia pun juga bakalan ilfil.

Jadi pengen tau pendapat teman-teman kalo punya temen cowok atau pernah menyukai seorang cowok yang pengagum berat jupe...

Niatnya seh pengen masukin potonya dia, tapi takut ketahuan ma dia kalo pernah seneng, ntar bakalan diketawain dan digencet abis ma dia.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mimpi dia lagi..

Ini sudah keempat kali nya diriku bermimpi tentang dia lagi,

Oktober 2007,
Padahal sudah berbulan-bulan aku mengenalnya, setelah dia berjanji untuk pulang ke Indonesia tapi ternyata tak kunjung datang, itu pertama kali aku memimpikannya.
Semula aku mengira itu hanya mimpi biasa karna begitu kangen dia, ternyata itu pertanda dia ga bisa pulang karna sakit, dia terbaring tak sadarkan diri di sana.
3 hari sebelum kepulangannya atau sehari setelah dia mengirimkan kabar terakhir untuk aku.
(katanya....., itupun memang hanya kata adiknya)

November 2007,
Kudengar kabar dari adiknya dia udah sadarkan diri setelah 20 hari, tapi tetap harus rehat disana selama 3 bulan sampai akhir januari 2008. Saat minggu ketiga, Ulang tahunnya.. aku kembali bertemu dengan dia dalam mimpi... aku ga tau.. sebuah pertanda apa lagi, apakah pertanda dia ingin aku menunggunya lagi untuk kesekian kali ??
Memikirkannya hanya membuat aku sedih, tapi sungguh.. saat itu aku masih ingin dia pulang meskipun aku diminta menunggu lagi.

Desember 2007,
Memang bukan moment yang penting, buat aku ataupun dia.. orientasi ku pun sudah mulai kupaksakan untuk berubah, tidak ingin menunggunya lagi.. meskipun kadang ada sebersit keinginan untuk tetap menunggunya sampai akhir januari 2008, tapi kali ini aku benar2 kehilangan contact dengan adiknya.
Aku mulai benar-benar memaksakan diri untuk melupakan semua impian, tapi kenapa saat itu dia malah datang lagi ke dalam mimpi masih dengan kata yang sama "ingin aku menunggu"...,, padahal sungguh aku tidak menginginkannya.
Karena aku sudah mencap dia sebagai seorang "pembohong besar dalam hidupku" sang penipu ulung atau apapun lah..., meskipun sebenarnya aku ga tau dia benar atau salah.

Tadi malam.., 19 Februari 2008
Untuk keempat kalinya, aku bermimpi lagi tentang dia, sungguh.. kukira aku sudah tegar untuk melupakannya dan membencinya, tenyata aku masih bisa menangis untuk dia tadi pagi..

Apakah berarti aku masih.........

Padahal waktu dia sudah habis, sampai akhir Januari kemaren, aku sudah benar2 mengubur dia dalam2, tak satupun lagi yang ingin kusisakan dari dia.

Kalau suatu saat aku memang dipertemukan dengan dia, aku ingin bukan sebuah tangisan yang ku keluarkan, tapi muntahan kata-kata kekesalan.
Hampir satu tahun aku menunggu, sudah cukup untuk dirimu, kenapa masih mengganggu aku di dalam mimpi...????

The insurance was cheap

The ease had the policy of the insurance increasingly spread everywhere. Only by sending the SMS, or visiting a site of the insurance, anyone could buy various insurance products that were cheap in accordance with the requirement. Cheap life Insurance, this the step in early for the new ease of the insurance.

Lately, the incessant insurance industry gave importance counselling about insurance to the community. One of them by holding Insurance Day and introduced cheap life Insurance to the community, so as the community to more was interested and more was easy to understand the benefit from the insurance.

The importance of the protection when was in the area that was full of the risk. However, although most people knew that he must reduce the risk, not yet many prepared people thought in that direction. Or although prepared, did not yet know how him and with what. There the main role of the insurance, moreover with the existence cheap life insurance.

Indeed for some people, the insurance it was considered not all that gave the benefit because the cost that must be spent by them could be managed by them personally and had the potential to get the profit was bigger. But with Cheap Life Insurance, we still do never think the insurance was expensive his price

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kemana aja...

Udah dalam 1 minggu ini, lia aktif lagi di blog, setelah beberapa bulan menghilang.. gimana sih!! padahal desember kemaren dah janji bakalan aktif lagi di blog setelah pertama kali mencoba menghilang, eh ternyata hilang lagi!!, lia emang suka gitu... palagi kalo punya masalah, bawaannya muaaalleeeessss banget buat liatin blog, berusaha menyibukkan diri di kerjaan.

Kemana aja sih loe... ???

Teman-teman blog yang dah lama ga disapa, sekarang dicoba untuk disapa kembali, dan pertanyaan2 itu yang selalu tertulis di shoutbox, jadi lia kemana aj...

1. Sebenarnya ada sehhh.. tetep di sini, balikpapan!!!

2. Dari 1 bulan yang lalu, suka susah bwt buka blog di kantor, di blok ma admin kali yeee... abis kerjanya ngeblog ajah!! ya sud... jadi lupa deh ma blog padahal dah dibikinin sama mas agung templete yang bagus. Untungnya sekarang dah ga macet2 lagi internetnya bwt buka blog.

3. Pasti lagi mikirin sesuatu yang berrraaaattttt, jadinya otak full ma pikiran itu ampe ga sempat mikir bwt update blog. ( ini alasan paling nomer satu)

4. Karena ada beberapa tulisan di blog yang bwt lia mengingat sesuatu.. (atau seseorang yah..) bikin lia jadi males buka blog lagi., mo dihapus juga sayang......

5. Emang lagi banyak kerjaan..., (masa siihhhh...!!!)

Ya itulah.. teman2 blog ku tersayang.., kenapa kadang lia suka ngilang.
Maafkan diriku yah...

Monday, February 18, 2008

do you want a mailbox?

Who that had not known mailbox, or had not seen mailbox?? A mailbox that usually is found in almost each house with various kinds and the different decoration. There were in the design in this way those who are minimal, there were also those who was made in this way good him was full of various decorations.

One mailbox, usually could be obtained by you with the ordering to places that were special to make this box. A distributor mailbox will offer various types from mailbox this, residential mailboxes, and commercial mailboxes. There were various categories from mailbox that could be obtained by us in accordance with our wish. Moreover now indeed a large number of designs from one mailbox from that the standard to that was very unique

For a value of beauty, better mailbox that was used was made from wood that had been carved and decorated with accessories in addition. But remembered, apart from the aspect of beauty mailbox also must be seen from the aspect of his security. There were thousands of kinds mailboxes that could be chosen by us in accordance with that was wanted by us. So already your house used mailbox in the page in front of the house??
This was very useful for the security of the letter that was sent for you.

The beautiful house with the beautiful light

The beautiful house not only because of the production of the house with a famous architecture, but could be one of them because of the regulation lighting that was very good, the laying of the illumination of lights during tonight definitely made the house that was beautiful become the more again beautiful house. Moreover now the problem lighting only was not gotten from normal lights that were varied with various colour kinds of light, but definitely with good light decorative arts also, or often was mentioned with fine art lamps

Had light decorated in the sitting room or foyer must not be expensive. Light that was good with lighting that was good will make your room appear exotic even romantic. There were various light sorts that could be used by us to beautify our house, light that in design indoor or outdoor. Moreover was brands famous that could be made the point to be considered by us to beautify our house like forcase lighting, George kovacs, hinkley lighting, house of troy lighting, kichler, maxim lighting, minka lavery, murray feiss, quoizel lighting, and sea gull lighting.

The lights were that with various funny forms for children up to dozens of small lights that in the decoration became one that usually is suitable for your sitting room. How will not become beautiful your house, if being decorated with lighting that was very good, and definitely all of them will make you think about being not too expensive because results then really will make you very satisfied.

Interest for credit cards...

The credit cards today not only the lifestyle, but was the requirement for the modern community to support all the activities in his life was everyday. All the needs of the business and personal, starting from when financing the service trip, entertained the client to the birth cost the small, the requirement expenses for the daily or went on holiday with the beloved family, could be met by the Credit Card.

Apply for a credit card usually was obtained with two methods, that is through the standard of the application procedure or by using the fund guarantee. However, if you have had the other credit card, usually the process of the application submission of the following credit card more was easy to be accepted.

But now many banks that gave the ease to you who wanted the credit card, even usually several banks to give the freedom of the administrative cost for one year.Interest for credit cards? Apparently that not the matter that was again difficult, moreover you were a worker that had the income on-in general.

Not the matter that is difficult indeed now if we wanted the credit card in fact more than one. Because of having plenty of profits that you could get by using the credit card.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Kado buat Pa' Salim

Minggu kemaren pas lagi cuti di banjarmasin, ternyata pemerintah memutuskan untuk tidak jadi meliburkan hari jum'at tanggal 8 Februari 2008. Ya sud... males pulang ke balikpapan, nanggung besoknya masih libur sabtu-minggu, akhirnya lia memutuskan untuk membolos.. ehhh.. bolos apa dipotong cuti ma admin di kantor yah... terserah lah!!!

Senin nyampe kantor... tersebar gosip kalo lia dicariin ma bisboss, karna bolos hari jum'at. Semula kata-kata dari Pa' Salim ta cuekin habis, emang si Bapa suka ngerjain Lia.., tapi lama2 karna sering dibilangin sama Pa' Salim kalo lia dicari bigboss, akhirnya diriku masuklah ke ruang bisboss memberanikan diri bertanya ada apa gerangan dirinya mencari diriku. Halah....... emang lia dikerjainkan sama Pa' Salim, ternyata bisboss adem ayem aja, malah bingung... siapa juga yang cari??? mang penting yah..!!!

Mulai, hari itu.. lia memikirkan cara bagaimana bales dendam sama Pa' Salim, nah,, kebetulan pas ULTah na si Bapa, bertepatan dengan yang orang bilang Valentine. Ya sud.. lia kerjain dehhh!!!
hahahahah.... maapkan lia ya Bapa...,

Rabu kemaren, satu hari sebelum ULtah na si Bapa, lia nyembunyiin kacamata baca si bapa, padahal tuh Pa' Salim tanpa kacamata ga bisa ngapa2in. Ga bisa jumper kabel, ga bisa baca Nota Dinas, pokoe ga bisa liat bacaan di komputer lah. Hi..hi..hi... dengan jiwa yang sebenarnya ga tega tapi ditega-tegain (untungnya diriku ga satu ruangan ma si Bapa, jadi ga perlu liat muka si Bapa yang lagi bingung cari kacamata). Satu hari penuh si Bapa cari kacamata, tanya sana-sini, tuding sana-sini (diriku pun termasuk orang yang dituding si bapa), tengok sana-sini ampe naek2 lemari... Diriku cuma ketawa meliat tingkah si Bapa yang lagi bingung. Tapi sueerrrrrr sebenarnya diriku ga tega.., tapi harus donk!!!! Demi terlaksananya sebuah kejutan dan sedikit bales dendam.

Sampe akhirnya, yang bikin diriku ga enak, dan sumpah.. jadi kapok ngerjain si bapa, karna ternyata si bapa pas jam istirahat beli kacamata baca baru 150 ribu, waduuuwwww.... koq diriku jadi merasa bersalah yah... Koq jadi gini sehh!!! padahal kan dah cs ma istrinya, kalo si bapa minta pendapat mo beli kacamata, jangan dibolehin.. soalnya Lia cuma mo nyembunyiin satu hari aja!!!, ehhh.... ternyata si bapa ga pake ngomong dulu ma si istri kalo beli kacamata baru. Untung niatnya lia bwt nyembunyiin hape, kunci motor, kaus kaki, dan banyak lagi ga jadi terlaksana, karna liat kacamata hilang aj deh ga tega, palagi semuanya.

Hiksss... diriku ampe susah tidur, karna ga enak ma si bapa, takut siihhhh... si bapa bakalan marah ga yah karna saking pentingnya tuh kacamata ampe beli lagi!!Koq sepertinya jadi lia yang dikerjain,
Untungnya pas tanggal 14 Februari, lia udah nyediain kue bwt si Bapa. Pagi-pagi lia ma alin dah nampangin tuh kue dengan lilin berangka 52 (hahahha... si bapa dah tua!!). Permainan selesai, kado yang lia berikan bwt si Bapa adalah kacamata yang lia simpen.., Saking takutnya pas si Bapa buka kado, lia cuma berdiri di depan pintu, siap-siap bwt kabur kalo2 si bapa langsung marah dan maen tendang.. maklum si Bapa biar dah tua tapi pemain bola ma futsal andalan kantor.

So... Selamat Ulang Tahun ke-52 bwt Pa' Salim... meskipun dirimu suka marah-marah ga jelas dan suka mukul2 orang dengan teganya, tapi diriku sebagai junior di kantor tetap menyayangi dan menghormati dirimu sebagai senior.., Terima kasih bwt makan2nya di Hari Kasih Sayang, meskipun diriku ga dapet coklat tapi dapet makan gratis boooo...., Sayang ga da poto2 bwt momen2 ini, soalnya ketinggalan padahal dah niat baca camdig dari rumah.

Tennis sport for the health

Who knew, how important is sport for fitness and the health, both physical. Almost everyone realised about the importance of sport of increasing the level of the health and the level of physical fitness. So that the condition for our body always was awakened was needed by moderate sport heavy.

Especially the woman, important sport to guard so that his weight always stays stable and fit. Because usually the woman not want his body became fat or too thin. Much sport that was chosen by the woman to maintain the health and his body fitness. Apart from gymnastics and jogging, sport was full of the prestige as tennis also often became the choice. Apart from to maintain the health, this sport also was close enough his connection with the lifestyle. In this current cities, was enough to be easy to find the woman that the hobby played tennis. Everything in several certain locations was enough to be easy to find the playing place of one of the prestigious sport.

For our comfort in playing tennis, we needed the tennis rackets and tennis shoes that in accordance with our comfort and the style of our game.There were several types of the tennis rackets that must be matched with the physical condition and the type of the game, even so with shoes. It was quite necessary that time to find the tennis racket that got along well with ourselves. It is best to, to the player who gazed at tennis to play sport, the election and tennis shoes of the tennis racket generally more be based on in consideration of the price.

In the shop of the sport equipment, definitely could be found by many types of the tennis rackets with various make sorts. The good racket must be able to support comfort and the style of our game. Babolat rackets one of the tennis rackets that will make us feel comfortable when playing tennis at the field. There were various types of the racket that could be chosen by us in accordance with the grip and the style of our game. So that eventually when playing our tennis will be seen enjoy.

Not only the woman, even the man more often liked this tennis sport. For the problem mens tennis shoes, they were willing to spend much money for comfort when they played tennis at the field, like k swiss tennis shoes. For years, k swiss tennis shoes presented the innovation, the quality, the achievement and the style to fill the demand of the appearance of the upper athletes of plank tennis all over the world. Possibly mens tennis shoes often has been found in the shop of the sport equipment.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy with online casino

Online casino? That normally also is mentioned by being played through the internet usually happened because of the laying of the bet in the sport activity. But online casino actually actually if all the good process his bet, his game and his money collection through the internet.

Then, who every to play casino we must go overseas like Las Vegas. Might not to Las Vegas to make your skilled playing casino your favourite. You only sat quiet in front computer that connected with the internet. You could play online casino was as satisfied as wanted by you. Almost 100 games casino online that popular could you could play quite in front computer that was had by you.

Playing online casino will not influence a lot of your work time, because this game really was easy to be played even to be studied before, and eventually you will really like the game casino. Online casino only was not made a fool of for you yourself, you were caught through the internet and you could play online was with your friends who were different the place, in fact you could play online casino with the person in the other Country like the USA, France, Italia, etc..

So, playing online casino really was easy and pleasant, not?? Moreover you could get many friends through this game.

Playing online casino

On the end of the week and has been bored with the work, made us want to spend a lot of our spare time in a playing manner. One of the games that was fun enough to be carried out was playing casino.To play casino in this time might not confused, because of having the game online casino that could be carried out by you in front of your computer that was connected with the internet.

Or that liked playing online casino, you could entrust him in the site online casino, because of offering various sorts of games casino that was very interesting and was easy to be played. Definitely you will get various bonus bargaining that a large number of.There were more than 60 games casino you could play.

In a playing manner online casino, your empty time to not was felt and far from saturation. Don't worry if you were the beginner's player, you will get the guide who made you to was easy playing casino online. The game online casino only did not please to fill up your time emptiness, but made you be trained to play casino in fact was with friends you.

So what you were waiting, playing online casino was the solution that was clever at passing the time vacant you.

Valentine Why???

Cuma pengen posting email dari temen yang ngomongin soal Valentine, lucu....

Berdasarkan buku2 tentang sejarah valentine yang saya baca
-Baik buku berjudul "valentine di jaman majapahit', "Primbon Valentine"
sampai buku "Da Valentine Code"-
Serta searching internet di wikipedia dan google
Maka didapatkan kesimpulan tentang sejarah awal mula valentine secara
detil dan sangat rinci
yaitu bahwasanya valentine mulai dirayakan SEJAK DULU

haalaaah... gitu aja kok pake nanya to.....
ini jawabanyya gampang aja
Karena coklat itu romantis..kan asik kalo pas candle light dinner trus
ngasihnya coklat
Coba bayangin kalo ngasihnya nasi tumpeng, kan susah!
Jadinya ga romantis tapi syukuran.

Sebenarnya bisa aja dijawab:
Kalo pake item2, ntar disangkain dukun
Kalo pake biru2, disangkain satpam
Kalo pake putih2, disangkain pocong
Kalo pake ijo2, disangkain kolor ijo
Kalo pake abu abu, disangkain babu
ya kan?
jadi emang cucoknya warna pink!

Jika ada pasangan alias pacar!
Karena aneh aja gitu kalo makan candle light sendirian, nulis kartu valentine
buat diri sendiri, termasuk ngasih coklat buat diri sendiri sambil
menciumi diri sendiri di depan kaca...
(narsis akut)
Jika punya modal
Karena apa?
Coklat itu mahal, coklat gambar ayam jago aja paling gak uda seribu perak
Belum lagi beli kartu ucapannya, makan malemnya, bunga mawarnya...byuh
byuh byuh...
Ingat prinsip :
"cinta itu buta....tapi butuh duit"

Ada beberapa tema valentain taun ini, yaitu:
valentain dengan bawain coklat 5 kilo digotong sendirian dari jakarta ke
Valentine sambil menikmati singkong yang dikasih ragi
Valentine sambil makan sambal merah pedas di mangkuk berbentuk hati
Valentine dengan memakai pakaian serba pink. Baju pink, celana pink,
sepatu pink, tutup muka pink, telinga pink dan hidung pink
Tambah ga penting aja tulisan ini
Bagi yang merayakan terserah loe aja, bagi yang memang ga pengen merayakan
ya...santai usah ngurusun orang.
Tapi buat yang pengen merayakan tapi keadaan belum mengijinkan (baca :
jomblo red.)....semoga cepat mendapatkan pasangan
Ingat prinsip pertama harus jual mahal, sambil berkata "SIAPA GW"
Kalo belum dapet juga diturunkan menjadi "SIAPA DIA?"
Tapi kalo memang belum dapet2 juga turunkan lagi menjadi "SIAPA AJA"
ok!...............oke deh.

buat semuanya aja :
traktir....traktir........(halah.....kok ga nyambung)

The financial freedom with Centtro

One of the matters that to a part of lifestyle the city community at this time was the credit card. Plenty of benefits of the credit card that could be felt by his user. Had Credit Card was indeed comfortable and you could Get a Credit Card with Centrro. At any time you must shop, was Hand over the credit card to his cashier, with the condition for his fund or the balance of your debt still was available. For some people, had the credit card also was a pride. Rarely was not exhibited was the same his friends, as the prestige himself.

The benefit of Get a Credit Card with Centrro among them was for comfort in shopping, also as the financial security organ in the state of emergency (for example your cash still is flat true), but also alleviated because we need not bring a bundle of money or the cheque when wanting to shop in large quantities.

However for someone who carried out an effort, of one of the capitalisation for these efforts to be the loan that came from the bank.To that was beneficial and the small flower, get a loan with Centrro. To dilute the fund that was big with the value of your low loan of the return capacity could Get a loan with Centtro.

All the ease for the problem of your finance like the credit card and the loan of the big fund, you could get in Centtro.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Pengen punya mobil

Gara-gara ngejar cowok tapi ga dapet2.. (ahh kesannya ga laku banget sehh, maksudnya gara-gara ga punya cowok), akhirnya focus pikiran dialihkan ke target lain yaitu mobil!!!, wiiihhh ga tanggung2 pasang target, pengen punya mobil dan ngumpulin duit buat uang muka selama 3 bulan, jadi pas ntar ulang tahun lia di April 2008, lia bisa menghadiahkan bwt diri sendiri sebuah mobil, wwiiihhhhh.. keren ( habisnya, ga punya cowok sehhh yang mau ngasih kado).

Ini sebuah keinginan yang bisa terealisasi atau maksain diri ngencangin ikat pinggang sekencang-kencangnyadan mengakibatkan membunuh diri sendiri ????

Habis gimana donk.. memang selama ini lia ga pernah berpikiran untuk punya mobil, karena buat lia si shogun yang dah nemenin 5 tahun di balikpapan dah enjoy banget, tapi paling ga enak kalo dah hujan atau ada panggilan kerja pas tengah malam pasti mikirnya jadi pengen punya mobil deh.

mungkin ini gara-gara ka mike yang januari kemarin liburan ke balikpapan, trus pas ngomong2in soal mobil dan masalah kesanggupan lia, ka mike bilang... kayaknya kalo dihemat2in lia bisa deh ngumpulin duit buat beli mobil, daripada duitnya di borosin tiap bulan habisnya ga karuan. Bener juga siihhh..... ato gara-gara si jupe, wahhh.. ne anak kayanya tiap telpon2an atau ketemu pasti ngompor2in soal mobil, huuuhhhhhhhh jadi tambah pengen. Pengennya sehh, bisa punya mobil jazz putih, ato hyundai avega.. tapi kayanya mimpi kali yeeeee...

Intinya seh... lom dibolehin sama mama, kecuali kalo lia bisa dipindahin kerja ke banjarmasin, so... kapan donk mimpi lia punya mobil bisa terlaksana, kalo mesti pindah ke banjarmasin dulu. Keinginan mama kayanya lebih susah daripada ngumpulin duit buat uang muka mobil.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Bingung mo cerita paan, tapi mo gimana lagi, si designer blog mas agung sekarang protes di shoutbox gara-gara templatenya cuma bwt nge-review iklan. Ya.. sud... cerita deh!!!

Pagi-pagi baru jam 10, perut dah protes minta diisi..., padahal biasanya baik-baik aja tuh, ato jangan-jangan karena keseringan pulang kampung ke banjarmasin trus kalo disana diharusin makan pagi, hasilnya pas pulang lagi ke balikpapan, perut jadi suka ngeluhhhh...!!!, paling ngiler lagi tuh kalo dah liat hendy ato pa' salim bikin mie.., hmmmm.... kaga nahan!!!


Secara dari hari ke hari, bulan ke bulan body udah makin naek aja neh ga mo turun-turun meskipun dah pake acara lari pagi, perut juga semakin lama suka cepat protesnya, pokonya pagi jam 10 ke atas ato pulang kantor jam 6 gitu, pasti acara pertama adalah buka kulkas, padahal dah tau sendiri, kulkas ga pernah ada isinya, tapi yahhh.. cuma sekedar menyenangkan hati.

Sekarang dah sering kata2 "laper" terucapkan dari mulut, ato mungkin semenjak si jupe suka sms-sms kalo lagi laper, jadinya lia ikutan laper yah???
weewwww... si jupe pake nular-nularin aja sehh!!!

Kira-kira siapa yah yang mo bagi makanan.....

Monday, February 11, 2008

Romantic and Fun Holiday in Europe

So, you're all going on a summer holiday, no more working for a week or two. Romantic, Fun and laughter on a summer holiday.

If you’re planning a Costa Brava holiday then I recommend stepping off the sun-lounger to explore some of the region’s rich heritage with its ancient ruins, Catalan culture and the more recent cultural contributions from artists such as Salvador Dali and architects including Antoni Gaudi. There are also many little gems like the towns of Tossa de Mar and Roses. Enjoyed the holiday in Costa Brava, Spain. The beachs was very stylish beautiful. The Costa Brava hotels will facilitate us during there.

The Costa del Sol stretches along just over 150 kilometres of Málaga province and is one of Spain's most popular tourist destinations. The area's mild climate is the root attraction that makes it possible to enjoy the beaches and a wide variety of outdoor activities year round. Overall, we can enjoying with Costa Del Sol Hotels.

Playing host to some of the most spectacular and funny and raunchy shows in Europe, Benidorm offers a great variety of entertaining nights out. A magnificent, spectacular, gloriously colourful, BIG show of international renown. Wine and dine first, or go later to enjoy some of Europe's very best showtime entertainment in this plush, capacious, traditional style nightclub. A full programme of original, top artistes from around the world ensure you are thoroughly entertained. A must-do in Benidorm. And Benidorm Hotels is your one-stop holiday guide to find everything you need to book and plan your perfect Benidorm holiday.

Alicante's exceptional location between the mountains and the sea provides the city with a special kind of enrapturing beauty. The city, wherever one roams, is pervaded with the savour of the sea, playing its deeply-felt role as a seaport, as it has always done. As Juan Gil-Albert said, "Alicante looks uninterruptedly to the Mediterranean", or in the words of Gabriel Miró "my city is pierced through and through by the Mediterranean". Another native author, Joan Fuster, wrote that Alicante "is without a doubt, the friendliest of all Valencian cities, a city one would choose to live in if one were to exchange a village for a city". Alicante hotels, make you simple about accomodotion.

For the lover travel, was suggested by me to Barcelona. Very busy, was full of the object of tourists. Moreover many shops there, many artistic artists that could depict direct in the place, there were also those who was the moving statue, etc. His coast was also very good, for that the young child, agreed very much made Barcelona the place of the romantic holiday. In order to go out with friends, we might not confused to choose the place of accommodation in Barcelona Las Ramblas Hotels.

Friday, February 8, 2008

The bored solution in the house

There is during him when everyone went to go on holiday, whereas we must be at home was alone. We were confused to have to do what, sometimes made us bored with waiting for everyone to gather in home. Make we became someone that as being isolated in the crowded world witahout care homes.

Or we only were a housewife, who initially was a worker. But after having a family we decided to continue to live in the house and to become a housewife. What must be done by us was alone in the house possibly made us increasingly the day became bored without care homes. And wanted us to enter back to the world of the worker.

Possibly was good him we searched someone the friend or something that made us enjoy the happiness only in the house. Something that care homes, possibly made us give us various initiatives or the idea, what must be done by us in saturation moments attacked us in the house was alone. That made we felt we in the house was a happiness that was not inferior to the available happiness outside the house. Gave us a solution to expel the feeling of our solitude.

Advertise on Blogs

The aim of early of one blog was to be bagaiman we made a note online, where we could write anything about personal, or knowledge that we wished for to the other person. Started from registered in website that provided blog free for the lover blogger to the end we could buy the domain personally for one blog.

From time to time, someone made blog then only did not aim at making a note online, or just increased many friends. But already many people made blog for the certain aim as looking for the production of the addition through articles that we for.

Why we as a person blogger does not make the same thing like other people generally that made blog to increase the production. Smorty gave the profit to blogger, get paid to blog, for them who had the expertise wrote.Why did not try then?? Advertise on blogs definitely will make us increasingly pleasant to always continue to in the world blog.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Playing with PockerOnline

When we were bored with the work that menumpuk in the office, or we had leisure time. The Pocker game could make us refreshing for a moment. When in our office could online explored the internet, why did not try the game of Pocker Online.

Or playing in Pockerstars, to update to the newest version then really was easy. There we could get the multiple bonus. In this way we could be relaxed for a moment left all of our works and playing for a moment in PockerOnline or playing casino through the internet.

So playing pocker was not only just playing sat with friends and really provided time that many, we could play personally in PockerOnline. Pleasant if we could get many bonuses from playing Pocker. We did not only get the freshness from saturation but got several profits also.

Advantage Life Insurance

Every time you went on a trip, for example, must be the risk of the accident that threatened. Every time your age could be then called by the Lord, even in sleeping even.Many of the we who did not like the risk. But his problem, the risk of lurking without us asked .

Here the need of the protection. The intention is, anything that was done by us, we must always have the protection. The meaning of the protection was that if the risk to us, happening we or our family have been ready to pay his consequences that usually need money. Did we ready to save money in insurance?

One of the protection that could be carried out by us was by taking the insurance. The principle of the insurance in fact simple, where we tied the contract with the insurance company, where in the contract was written that if we experienced the risk that was named in the contract then we will get money for the replacement for term life.
So, the risk really close to our life was everyday. There were several risk kinds that most often happened that is the Death, the accident, was sick and the Disaster in Property.

So, wanted to wait what next? Immediately counted repeated our financial situation at this time, and please considered to take the insurance. Do not happen the risk previously, just was sorry for him later.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The pleasant holiday

Bored visiting the place in horrified personally, occasionally tried untunk visited to tourist attractions at the other country. Might not be confused in decisive temat the tour and hotels. CheaperThanHotel offered various hotel kinds from the star hotel 1 to the star hotel 5, from the hotel that was cheap to the most luxurious hotel, from that close to the airport or close to the tourist attraction. So really was easy to visit anywhere.

France, the first country that often had an interest taken in him by tourists as the aim of the tourist attraction. Apart from indeed often offered the pleasant tourist attraction. France was also famous with the place mode famous. France Hotels the obligatory place was visited by us beforehand, if we wanted to France to know available hotels there.

Paris, the first obligatory city was visited by us if we wanted to go on a trip to France, Paris was the tour city that was very romantic because of having the tower eifel that was one of the world miracles. Paris was the expenses city for the tourists. So if we the difficulty looked for the cheap hotel there, Paris Hotels offered the cheapest prices by various extra.

Thought to to Germany, why not?? Germany offered various tourist attractions that were not inferior pleased him. There were Neuschwanstein Castle, The Romantic Road, Lake Constance, and other places in various German cracks that were not inferior he yelled to be made as the adventure. For this, Germany Hotels completed our amazement against Germany with cheap bargaining of hotels with various complete facilities.

Berlin, was one of the cities in Germany that menwarkan various places were historic like Pergamon Museum. To know the hotel that close to this tourist attraction Berlin Hotels offered the ease for the aim of our tour.

So before we meuju the tourist attraction like France, Paris, Germany and Berlin, visited before Cheaperthanhotels.

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