Thursday, May 29, 2008

2 bulan lagi...

Sebenarnya yang seharusnya menghitung hari adalah si woel, tapi ternyata diriku juga ikutan menghitung hari. Masih mempertanyakan bagaimana persahabatan yang sudah terjalin selama 8 tahun, setelah 2 bulan lagi dirimu menjadi milik orang lain dan berpisah rumah, apakah persahabatan aku & woel bakalan tetap seperti ini ???

Kalau diperhitungkan mungkin setengah dari 8 tahun itu aku dan woel tinggal bareng. Mulai dari tinggal 1 kamar pas masih smu, trus harus terpisah karena akhirnya penempatan kerja kita berbeda, aku di balikpapan dan woel di samarinda. Memang saat itu komunikasi agak sedikit jarang, mungkin kerjaan kita yang sudah berbeda arah menjadikan masing2 larut dalam kesibukan kerja. Tapi akhirnya toh tetep saja kalau udah menyangkut masalah "cowok" pasti bakalan menjadi obrolan panjang buat kita. Hingga woel dipindahkan ke Balikpapan, membuat persahabatan yang terjalin semakin erat saja. Untungnya di rumah hijau masih bisa untuk menampung satu orang lagi.

Mungkin sekitar 2 tahun di balikpapan, sempat beberapa cowo menempati ruang di dalam hatimu, akhirnya 2 bulan lagi dirimu akan benar2 bakalan menjadi milik orang lain. Selamat ya say...., akhirnya dirimu duluan juga daripada aku!!!! meskipun hasil cerita2 tadi malam, ternyata dirimu pun sempat khawatir kalau aku bakalan duluan menikah. hehehehehe....

Masih mempertanyakan akan seperti apa nantinya persahabatan yang sudah terjalin, secara dulu sampe sekarang kita masih suka tidur bareng, cerita2 apapun..., makan bareng, jalan2 bareng, banyak hal yang dilakukan bareng. Saling bisa mengerti satu sama lain, saling mengingatkan saat kita terlena dengan cowo yang salah. Saling menghibur saat diantara kita lagi sedih dan itu kebanyakan karna masalah cowo. Yah... mang cowo gitu sie...,,, Tapi satu hal yang paling terasa pengen selalu bareng, kalau pas belanja di luar kota pasti saling inget, secara mang kita bedua dah klop banget soal menjelajahi pusat perbelanjaan apalagi kalo diskon, kita sama2 punya semangat 45 dehh!!!

Sekarang, 2 bulan lagi...
meskipun sebenarnya dirimu ga jauh2 pindah rumahnya, yah.. masih satu komplek sie. Tapi.. tetep aja semuanya bakalan berbeda.
Hmmm... mungkin seharusnya diriku ga boleh gitu, tetep semangat deh!!!
Persahabatan kita pasti bakalan tetep utuh, sampai kapanpun, dan yang pasti dirimu masih punya beban moral buat carikan aku calon suami.
Tapi sumpah , aku paling cepet ngabisin mie goreng kalo kamu yang bikin!!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Golongan darahku dan darahmu...

Dah lama g pernah dapet TAG, emang ga ngarep sie... eh taunya hari ini dapet lemparan jauh2 dari ka mike di yogyakarta,
kenapa ga lempar makanan aj sie, ato lemparin tiket pesawat pulang pergi balikpapan-yogyakarta, pasti bakalan ta sambut dengan senyuman dan lembaran surat cuti!!!,
ya iya deh.. ta kerjain, dengan harapan ntar dapet lemparan laptop dari ka mike ***ngarep banget... tapi ga mungkin!!!!

According to a Japanese institute research, there are certain personality that seem to match up with certain blood types.

You want to be a leader, and when you see something you want, you keep striving until you achieve your goal. You are a trend-setter, loyal, passionate, and self-confident. Your weaknesses include vanity and jealously and a tendency to be too competitive.

You like harmony, peace and organization. You work well with others, and are sensitive, patient and affectionate. Among your weaknesses are stubbornness and an inability to relax.

You’re a rugged individualist, who’s straightforward and likes to do things your own way. Creative and flexible, you adapt easily to any situation. But your insistence on being independent can sometimes go too far and become a weakness.

Cool and controlled, you’re generally well liked and always put people at ease. You’re a natural entertainer who’s tactful and fair. But you’re standoffish, blunt, and have difficulty making decisions.

How about you ??

Lia???, punya golongan darah AB, sepertinya sie begitu secara dah pernah periksa di 2 tempat berbeda tapi berbeda golongan darah juga, tapi ya sud ngikutin PMI aj dehh.. , lagian kalo ditelusuri dari orang tua kayaknya memang AB deh.., dan ternyata memang ada hal yang tepat bwt diriku, sulit untuk mengambil keputusan!!!,

the next... siapin ketapel mo lempar ke......

cintaku... woel

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ke Bangkirai lagi..

Pas libur panjang kemaren akhirnya diputuskan untuk jalan2 lagi mengenal tempat wisata di Balikpapan **Upps... libur panjang ???? eh iya.. ini cuma bwt warga Kalimantan TImur, secara senin kemaren libur dalam rangka Pilkada, asik banget kan....

Minggu, diriku diajakin ke Bukit Bangkirai lagi, yah... udah 2 kali sih kesana, tapi ya sud lah daripada harus di rumah sendirian, lagian teman2 yang mo ke sana pada lom tau sihhh***. Daripada mereka nyasar lurus ke Samarinda???

poto : dari kiri -- mas Vender, diriku, chamdun, dyah, Irma, Mas Roni (anak Telkomsel yang nimbrung), terakhir mas Wawan (yang lagi jepret)

Kali ini diriku lagi ga bareng sahabat tercinta dan yayangnya... woel & Mas wahyu, secara mereka lagi pulang ke banjarmasin bwt persiapan acara pernikahan. Maap ya say, ga ajak2 dirimu...
Tapi sama teman2 yang baru aja bergabung di Perusahaan tercinta, ya.. selamat berjuang bersama deh bwt membangun dan memajukan Perusahaan ini, biar gaji kita lancarrr.... hehehe..,

Pulang dari sana, trus mampir bentar di Taman Agrowisata km 23 liat Beruang madu yang merupakan Maskot dari Kota Balikpapan, sebenarnya menurut diriku seh.. biasa2 aj.. secara diriku dah 2 kali pernah ikutan nginep pas masih kuliah dulu,

Tapi.. sekali lagi diriku disini sebagai guide alias anak yang paling dituakan oleh mereka di bpp ***hahahaha... berasa dah tua!!!, secara mereka baru hitungan bulan tinggal di balikpapan.
Sayangnya tidak banyak hasil jepretan di km 23, habis batere!!!!

Bwt kalian semua Selamat Datang dan Selamat menetap di Balikpapan deh, yang betah yeee....

Trade Show Exhibition Needs

Are you the event organizer of your company promotion show next week? Looking for some accessories to support the great ideas of the exhibition show strategies? Here is the answers. Camelback Displays provides you full services for your event and accessories to all types of companies who have exhibiting needs or trade show displays needs. They offers on time delivered products, top quality products, and number one class of services.

One of the product is truss, the most important part of stage for lighting, concert and more. Made from aluminum and steel, this product purpose to guarantee you for the best event and trade show of your company. Don't forget this is include all types of trusses for all types of special events.

And what is the one most important in trade show displays? Yes. The banner stands! This tools also makes important rules in every types of events as their function to promotion. So many types of banner stands offered by Camelback display. The one most popular is retractable banner which can be set up less than a minute. The other also very interesting and customable banner stands for any functions, moments, and events. Don't forget, that can meet any budget!

Dream Holiday Ireland

Sometimes we might dream of going on holiday to a Country in Europe. Like Ireland. Many cities that could in visited in this Country. You could get many holidaying opportunities there cheaply used Ireland Hotels.

Dublin was an aim city of the tour that had various multi ethnic and the style, by being equipped buildings with Georgian. This became very interesting especially for the foreign tourists who went to go sightseeing there. Dublin that was the capital of the Irish country that was located in the area of the Liffey River. Very interesting with the existence of various bridge that crossed the city like bridge O'Connell that became the main road to enter the city. Dublin that choice historic buildings like the monument, the museum, and places of the other culture also were supplemented with unique and beautiful old churches. Want to spend the night in the Dublin city? Dublin Hotels will really help the tourists who visited there.

Cork City is Ireland's third city (after Dublin and Belfast) and has always been an important seaport. It began on an island in the swampy estuary of the River Lee (the name Corcaigh means a marsh), and gradually climbed up the steep banks on either side. As the hilly streets go up and down, so do the voices of the citizens. They have a characteristic sing-song cadence, beloved of national comedians, and Corkonians are regarded as the most talkative of all the Irish. St. Finbarr is the founder and patron saint. He founded a monastery in the seventh century where St. Finn Barre's Cathedral now stands, and it grew into an extensive and wealthy establishment. Information on a selection of individually owned holiday cottages wih Cork Hotels and select from bargain holidays.

The Shannon region is a particularly beautiful part of Ireland that is dominated by the Shannon River, the longest river in Ireland or the UK. The dramatic Atlantic coastline and the purity of air invigorate its visitors. To the north, you’ll find extensive beaches at Ballybunion and Ballyheigue in Kerry County. Ballybunion is also home to one of the world's finest golf courses, consistently rated in the world's top ten. One of Ireland’s top attractions, the Cliffs of Moher, stand against the Atlantic Ocean. Another must-see is Bunratty Castle, Ireland’s most complete and authentic medieval castle. The castles, ancient walls and museums are testament to Ireland’s dramatic past. Find great deals on holidays in Shannon with Shannon Hotels and select from a range cheap holidays.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Eh iya...,

Maap banget.. maap banget, kalo beberapa minggu ini dah ga update. Trus lom say hello sama temen di shoutbox, Tapi ntar pasti deh... diriku berkunjung ke blog temens.
Berhubung seh... diriku lagi buanyak kerjaan!!!
ehhh iya.. tapi diriku lagi seneng banget, secara page rank blog udah naek lagi jadi 2, makasih temens yang udah kasih support dan cara naikin page rank. Yah... akhirnya bisa nge-review lagi dehh!!! ga kapooookkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.......
Trus... udh dehhh, segitu dulu, ini hari libur bo..., lom mandi dah ngantor, mo pulang ke rumah dulu trus lanjutin tidur yang terpotong gara2 ada sms "eskalasi gangguan".
Yu da dah.. bu bay...

Asian Beauty

Singapore offered the earthly paradise. Apparently was not abundant if we acknowledged Singapore as one of the countries that was most influential in Asia in fact in the world at the moment. Many important matters that might not be passed were Singapore had the not forgotten tourist attraction, that always tempted the tourists to remain for a prolonged period in Singapore. Beauty, so many places of the choice that captured for tourists when step on foot to this cute country, that was certain all of them really love if in passed. Beginning with our arrival in the International Changi airport, our eyes would astonishment saw beauty and the glory of one of the best airports in the world. To make complete the trip to Singapore, we the ray found him in Cheap Singapore Hotels.

How about Kualu Lumpur???. In the middle of-was Asia was located the country with various culture, the miracle and the attraction. It were the forum and the place of the activity from various races and the religion that live with harmoniously and peacefully. He also the country that really enchanted, where the skyscraper tower gaze at down onto primitive houses. Blessed with the abundant natural miracle, the place that was perfect for the place of the impressive holiday. With several coasts and the place of best diving in the world, ideal for the main gate of the islands in Asia. Your Confirm visited and made use of Cheap Kualu Lumpur Hotels for your comfort there.

Hanoi, if planning to go on a trip and enjoy the Vietnamese atmosphere especially for the Indonesian resident by chance in Hanoi. You could make use of Cheap Hanoi Hotels for that. Hanoi with the number of inhabitants 3.5 million souls and famous with his House Opera as well as was illustrated by the lake, the garden, the shady tree and the area roads of the Paris city basin, evidently also kept a store of aim of the interesting tour. As the capital of the country, was gotten many government buildings as well as the representative of the embassy of the friend's countries, so as the building and the house that design colonial France in a row like jewellery in the main street took part in increasing beauty of the city.

Was located in the Chao Phraya river bank, Bangkok (or was acknowledged as 'Krung Thep' by the local inhabitants), was an exhilirating paradox. This Thai capital maintained the old inheritance at the same time welcomed was open new matters enthusiastically were full. After becoming the capital for more than two centuries, Bangkok for the last 20 year witnessed many changes. The skyscraper building formed new city scenery, Skytrain divided the city by his fast carriage, and the underground carriage also was ready to accompany his inhabitants. The choice to shop, had dinner and entertainment also continued to improve, beginning with that was typical with the performance of dance art and music traditional, down to quality entertainment international. When you visited there, Cheap Bangkok Hotels will equip the holiday to more was easy.

Sabtu Pagi...

Udah lama banget ga ikutan senam tiap sabtu pagi, gimana rasanya tuh badan tanpa olah raga. Ngebayangin badan pasti sakit2an semua karna dah lama ga ikutan senam. Pagi ini dah rencanain mo ikutan senam,secara tadi malam dah setting alarm bwt bangun jam 7.45 teng!!, siap2 10menit,byar byur... cuci muka trus pergi dehhhh.., senengnya kalo tempat senamnya deket banget sama rumah!!!

Ehhh... ternyata, belum lagi alam bunyi jam 7.40 teng, sebuah sms membangunkan diriku "eskalasi gangguan",wadduuuwww... olahraga ku terancam BATAL lagi. Langsung deh ke kamar irma trus ambil laptop hubungkan ke internet, bukan mo browsing cari dollar sie...., tapi ngeliatin kabarnya si gangguan!!!

huuuhhh... laptopnya lama banget, ya sud... sikat gigi trus cuci muka ga pake mandi, ganti baju.... ambil kunci motor, dah... acara senam batal, tujuan ngantor !!!!!, tapi ga ada telpon tuh dari mana aj, ya iyalah.... flexi diriku lagi gangguan!!!! hehehehe.....

Dan sekarang... diriku masih ngantor dengan swara masih serak dan mata masih ngantuk, alarm hape tanda diriku harus bangun barusan bunyi!!!!, yahhh... si hape ga update banget seh,secara si tuannya dah melek dan dah lagi nulis di blog.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Holiday in Australia

When you spent your holiday in Australia it always interesting because it can gives you pleasant memories. So, if you planning to traveling to some cities in Australia make sure that you give attention with this offers.

Sydney is a world renowned city and icon of Australia. Everybody knows Darling Harbor and Sydney Opera House are the familiar images of the city. Want some extreme experience? Try to visit Sydney Harbor Bridge and be participated in Climb the Bridge. Make perfect your vacancy with Sydney Hotels. Find the comfortable and professional services.

How about Melbourne? Do you want to enjoy living in metropolitan city? This is the place you are looking for. The city celebrates a wide variety of annual cultural events, performing arts and architecture. People love the building style of this city that is from Victorian Age. This city full of entertainment, music, and unique backpackers life. Never forget to visit the other interesting places such as Chadstone and historical Queen Victoria Market. You can choose your Melbourne Hotels and make sure you won't missing every exiting offers this city gives.

The third largest city in Australia is Brisbane. Do you interesting with music and art show? Brisbane never disappoint you. Please visit Queensland Performing Arts Complex and enjoy the regular performance of the art groups. Other recommended places are Queensland Museum, Queensland Gallery of Modern Art. Want to see an Annual events? There are Ekka, held each August; Riverfestival, held each September and many more. So, if the entertaining city you looking for, please never doubt to reserve your place to stay on Brisbane Hotels. Quality services for quality city.

The other famous city in Australia is Perth. All you need in traveling is in here. Shopping, adventuring, beach, entertainment, pub, cafes, and eateries, offering an eclectic mix of culture and cuisines. Perth city center is located alongside the beautiful Swan River. Romantic place to spend the night together with lovely person. Enjoy the sweet moments there and let the Perth Hotels show you the right place to spend your time.
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