Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Real Estate Information

You were the new family that was looking for a new house, confused the house like what will be bought despite in our thoughts has had the house that in dream of. Don't worry with the problem like that, was used by us the service of, moreover the house that was bought by us was the house that was in the region real estate, why did not use real estate information then.

Don't make also an issue of you whereed are you now, Virginia, Washington and Seattle. Anywhere that we could look for information in Real Estate Information. From there we could know the house like what approaching with that was wanted by us, or the house that like what could be bought by us by the fund that we had.

Not only to buy the house, we could use the information service to look for the house to be hired out, school buildings or the other building in Virginia, Washington and Seattle. So all of them became younger with this service.

Indeed all of them must be made to more was easy, when we looked for the house in the region real estate, knew the value a house, looked for the house to be hired out or other buildings. Or possibly when we needed the service to move the house. We could quickly knew him and got information anywhere we were.

Holiday with EasyToBook

Went on a trip to other country was quite fascinating. The aim of the tour then various things. Anywhere we went too much will not be again difficult, all could be arranged in an online manner, from the ticket to planning where we will go on holiday. Moreover for the problem of the hotel, we remained visited website, remained click all of them will become was easy. So where the aim of the following holiday??

If we will really plan to go on holiday overseas and did not yet know our aim would where, why didn't we try visited, there we could plan the place to go on holiday while ordering the hotel that indeed was matched by us with the fund that we had. Was easy and the profit not..

Mentioned Barcelona, London, Prague, Dublin, New York or Rome, might not be difficult to look for the hotel after until there. From our Country, was enough in we could have ordered the hotel in accordance with the fund that we had with various bargaining extra or the discount from this hotel.

In EasyToBook we could get the profit including us could know the price of the hotel from that had stars 1 until the hotel had stars 5. We could also know bargainings from various hotels in Barcelona, London, Prague, Dublin, New York, Rome and other tour cities.

So, was waiting for everything.. anywhere our trip all of them will become was easy with

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

The refrigerator, made food become fresh

Now, everyone has been stirred up with perkerjaan that spent time 50 percent outside the house. This made them especially you must very provided various matters in the house one of them was food. Food that was needed tidahk only during one day, but sometimes was needed during days or for a long time. For the ease like that, usually people shop for exactly one time for the need three to 7 days. The matter that was needed by you were a place that could make various food sorts be seen fresh although being kept in several days

The refrigerator, that was the answer from all of your requirements in the matter of food, apparently everyone could not now be again free from that his name the refrigerator. Each house usually uses the refrigerator to keep their food so that in time that several for a long time still have been seen fresh. In this case, many people who sometimes only bought the refrigerator that relied on the cheap price, and that must be him you could visit to wize to get the cheap price. But the cheap price was not enough to choose a refrigerator, sometimes you needed care in meilih the healthy refrigerator.

How the healthy refrigerator???

The healthy refrigerator will give the freshness guarantee of the foodstuff especially vegetables and the fruit, so as to be seen became fresh natural. The quality refrigerator high and healthy only did not rely on the freshness guarantee but was increased by various fitur the supporter who gave the ease.

In website wize this was allocated for your ease in choosing the refrigerator that his price was lower from anywhere but was of high quality. Like GE, LG, Haier, Avanti, KitchenAid that all of them were the quality refrigerator high with mengunggulkan high technology also.In wize, you will not glance at to any place again to choose the refrigerator, because of Wize didesign complete for all the refrigerators with various types like side by side, one door, showcase and freezer. For the choice of the colour also, you will be made become confused because wize marketed the refrigerator product with various colours of your pleasure

So be waiting for everything to visit to wize

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Cerita di akhir tahun 2007

Pagi- pagi dapet sms dari mas agung
"Dek, mas pulang ke bojonegoro lagi hari ini,
barusan dapat kabar kalo bapak meninggal tadi malam jam 3"
Biasanya telpon2 ato sms2 yang datengnya pagi hari apalagi hari libur jarang banget kuhiraukan bahkan langsung ta silence aj, huhhhh... mengganggu acara tidur!!!,
Tapi entah kenapa pagi itu, langsung buka sms yang masuk,
Innalillahi wa innailaihi Rojiuun,
ya Allah.... hari ini Engkau memanggil lagi salah satu dari hamba-Mu,

Buat Mas Agung,
Lia ikut berduka cita, semoga Mas Agung diberi kesabaran dan keikhlasan... Kita semua pasti akan mengalaminya, tinggal menunggu tanggal mainnya!!
Semoga perjalanan dari Jakarta-Bojonegoro maupun sebaliknya diberikan kelancaran,

Beberapa Jam kemudian,

Sore jam 5 wita (bangun tidur) ada 2 sms masuk,
ohh ternyata mas agung udh nyampe di Terminal Surabaya cari bis menuju Bojonegoro,
Sms kedua dari vina, anak kecil yang sudah kuanggap adik sendiri tapi berani2nya nikah mendahului sang kakak bahkan dah mo nglahirin pula,
"ka... tahun baru ngapain"
kujawab " ngga tau vin, liat ntar malem aj... tp keknya wulan ngajakin ke lamaru, vina ngapain??"
dalam hati berpikir, wahhh... ne anak keknya mo ngajakin makan2 di rumah nih, secara kan ada emaknya di rumah!!!
vina jawab sms "lagi di rumah sakit ka, lagi sakit perut.... udah bukaan satu"
aku langsung kaget bangun dari tempat tidur, waduhhH!!! ne anak sempet2nya sms tanya taon baru ngapain, kenapa juga ga langsung ngomong aj kalo dia lagi di rumah sakit,
Ganti baju ga pake mandi.... langsung telpon wulan trus cabut ke Rumah Sakit Pertamina Balikpapan,
Ya Allah.. sampe sana, aku ga tega liat dia kesakitan, secara swaminya cuma ketawa ngeliatan sang istri kesakitan, katanya "biar ga stress"
Karena keadaan yang ga memungkinkan akhirnya jam 8 malam, vina masuk ruang operasi untuk mengeluarkan anaknya
Sempat telpon sana-sini bwt cari golongan darah B secara HB nya dia rendah banget,,, untungnya di tempat kami kerja udah punya kumpulan pendonor darah aktif,
Akhirnya jam 8.20 wita, vina melahirkan anak perempuan dengan berat 3,06 kg panjang 50 cm...
Alhamdulillah.... bayi dan ibunya sehat,
Buat Vina dan Janu ,
Selamat ya... dah jadi orang tua... jadi ibu dan ayah....
hati2, aku dan wulan bakalan merajalela ke rumahmu..., ada maenan baru sih!!!!

31 Desember 2007

Ada yang pergi... dan ada yang datang....
Begitulah Allah mengatur semuanya cuma dalam satu hari,

Tahun Baru 2008

Selamat Tahun Baru...................!!!
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